Georgia-Pacific has announced the launch of DensDeck® StormX™ Prime Roof Board, the first high-performance gypsum roof coverboard designed to help prepare commercial rooftops to hold tough under the dangers of impact and puncture caused by very severe hail conditions. The product, which is classified for use in approved assemblies meeting FM Global’s Very Severe Hail Standard set in 2019, is available nationwide. 

Over the past eight decades, multiple factors have combined to raise the risk of experiencing a severe storm. More people and property are in the path of severe weather than ever before, with an estimated 75 percent of American cities experiencing a hail storm annually. Since 1960, there has been a 400 percent increase in weather-related disaster losses. 

Through the benefits integration of DensDeck® Prime with EONIC™ Technology and innovative product development, the use of DensDeck® StormX™ Prime Roof Board helps enable structures to meet the FM Global Very Severe Hail Standard while simultaneously enhancing assembly protection. 

DensDeck® StormX™ Prime Roof Board is the perfect solution for structures within the Very Severe Hail zone, located across Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska. New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming.