Shield Wall Media, with help from METALCON and the MCA, has completed the mid-year State of the Industry Survey. The purpose of the mid-year survey is to measure changes in market sentiment from the previous survey. Rather than focus on an entire year this survey focused on year to date and predictions for Q3 and Q4 2023.
With a few exceptions the general expectation is still positive, but slightly less so than in the October 2022 survey.
Roofing and Metal Roofing’s sales and profitability metrics did match their view of the broader picture. And there appears to be little change in outlook from the previous year .
One interesting anomaly is in the sales metrics for gutters.
The prediction of units sold and gross sales both decreased significantly. But, predictions of increased profitability raised by 4%. For roofing the market for the remainder of the year appears stable. All categories (Roofing, Metal Roofing and Gutters) have approximately 75% of survey respondents saying sales metrics (gross sales, units sold and profitability) will stay the same or increase.
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State of the Industry Survey in fall and a mid-year State of the Industry Survey in Spring.
When the new survey is launched, please complete it and share it with your colleagues.
A larger survey sample generates more reliable information.
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